Today I've had a lovely creative day with Nicky, her daughter Katie, Viv and Brenda, Penny and Fiona joined on my ‘Introduction to linocut printing’ workshop.

Here’s what they said....
What did you enjoy the most about the day?
"Learning a new skill and being delighted with the result."
"Relaxed atmosphere, being creative, trying something new, learning how to do it and appreciating more how talented you are. Being with lovely people."
"All of it. I enjoyed how relaxed the day was. Not rushed even though conscious of a timescale."
"Relaxed atmosphere, no pressure and didn’t feel rushed. Very social. "

My linocut workshops are all held in my York print studio. I teach in small groups, no more than four people, so that everyone gets lots of one to one tuition.
Find out more about my workshops and next dates here.
If you have four friends or family that would like your own bespoke date get in touch.