On 12th August I ran my ‘Introduction to linocut printing’ workshop in my studio in York.

Orna, Helen, Sylvia, and Sarah spent the day in my studio learning how to create a unique simple linocut print. They learnt about the tools and materials needed, how to plan a design, cut the lino and print their design by hand.
In the morning they carved and printed a test print, so that they could experiment and learn about the different techniques.
With my guidance, they then planned their design, transferring this onto the lino block and then carved and printed their design.
They all brought ideas with them on the day and I helped them translate them into lino cut designs. They chose the colours they wanted to use and Orna and Sarah hand coloured elements in their prints.
The day was a great success.
“I really enjoyed it”
“You run an excellent course”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the day”
I asked them what they enjoyed the most about the day...
“Learning how to use the tools and having something to show for my efforts”
‘Being able to complete a project to take home”
“All of it was interesting and fun but I think just seeing your work and learning about the process was the most valuable aspect.”
If you’d like to find out more about my workshops, please join my mailing list or get in touch.